Columbus, OH

Don Prozy

Columbus, OH Instructor

Naga Tenang Don Prozy is a seventh level black belt in Poekoelan Kung Fu and is a
student of Naga Rakassa, Bruce Miller. He has trained and taught at Poekoelan schools
in Youngstown and Columbus, Ohio since the 1990s. During his career he has earned
several promotions in Poekoelan including Golden Boy in 1992, his fifth level black belt
achieved in 1995, Raja Naga title awarded in 2000, his sixth level promotion to
Pendekar in 2019, and most recently his seventh level promotion to Goeroe Bantoe in
2024.  He has competed in and placed in three Poekoelan combat tournaments hosted
by The Dragons Temple and was undefeated in several combat fighting tournaments in
the 2000’s, most recently in 2019 where he won first place in the men’s fighting division.
Prozy was featured in a two page article in The City of Pickerington Magazine in 2020
and is currently teaching in Pickerington, Ohio just outside of Columbus.